Jun 28Liked by Steve Bull

Thanks Steve. Nailed it. I'm reminded of JMG's "oh, they'll think of something" as a standard response to the overlooked realities, limits, and added complexities you highlighted, all to keep this already hypercomplex civilization energized now and into the star-trekking future: wars and strife over limited resources that include people displaced from land degraded by ever increasing manufacturing, extraction and energy harvesting, various accounting tricks to keep the whole house of cards funded and funneling money up, and assumptions that politics and government will magically become functional again overnight and people will join hands to work for a brighter, WWS-powered tomorrow. We think it's different this time. It's not, we're just another iteration of the same old story of civilization rise and fall as Tainter, Diamond, Catton, Gibbon, and countless others have pointed out. The only thing that's different is the one time surplus FF energy jackpot we won that allowed us to scale up the biggest, hungriest, most violent and destructive civilization, but it's still subject to Nature's limits. We won the jackpot once and spent it, we won't keep winning jackpots to keep it afloat.

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Thank you Steve🙏

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